Saturday, March 27, 2010

Zip Bam Boom to you too

Spring Break can NOT come any faster i swear

March feels like it is taking FOREVER
ANDDDD it is STILL not over!!
Not only does march feel like its lasted for 3 years, there is still so much more to be done in it!!
Like i have to REtake my license test (because parallel parking blows)
I have to bring up my obnoxiously low grade in chem before april
AND i have a job interview on Tuesday [but the way my luck is going i need to scrounge up about all the lucky pennies i can ]

But Spring Break is tooottaaallllllyyyyyyyyyyyy worth it
That friday (April 2nd) im heading up to philly to go to see Vampire Weekend with my beautiful cousin
and the last saturday after that im going to Rams Head Live to see Hotspur to see my friend's band play [i made fliers and everything cuz its a pretty legit]

and in between?
im gunna have it ALL to myself, cramming it with sleep, sleep, eating, sleep and more sleep